
... subprocesses1

BPEL which does not directly support subprocesses is the only exception.


...cascading 2

Although more than four levels of nesting are not recommended.


... them 3

Recent documentation [ GP03 ] suggests that Staffware will also support this construct shortly through addition of the Multiple Process Selection construct, although it has not been observed in the release examined during this evaluation.


... task 4

For example, access to a given data element may be required in three branches within a process, requiring the original data element to be replicated and passed to one or more tasks in each branch. The difficulty arises where the data element is altered in one branch and the branches subsequently converge at a join operator.


... repository5

Although this does not constitute "true" case to case data passing, it indirectly achieves the same outcome.


... Vectus 6


... BizAgi 7


... DCOM 8

Distributed Component Object Model. See for details.


... CORBA 9

Common Object Request Broker Architecture. See for details.


... JMS 10

Java Messaging Service. See for details.


... DDE 11

Dynamic Data Exchange. See for details.


... parameters 12

For the purposes of this discussion, we use the term parameters in a general manner to refer both to data elements that are formally passed to a task and also to those that are shared between a task and its predecessor and passed implicitly.


... agent 13

If it does include this condition, the to-be-triggered task will only run when there is a token in the immediately preceding state and the transition condition is met. If not, the task will become executable whenever the transition condition is met.


... instance 14

Note that for the Data-based Routing pattern, it is a hard requirement that the routing decision is based on the evaluation of data-based expressions whereas for the Exclusive Choice and Multi-Choice patterns, the routing decisions be based on a variety of possible mechanisms which may or may not be data-related.