Evaluations of tools and techniques using the workflow patterns
* Please note that we do not necessarily endorse the evaluations listed here *
Evaluation of BeanFlow using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of Collaxa using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of IBM Websphere BPEL using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of JOpera using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of Kontinuum using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of OpenWFE using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of OmniFlow using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of Orc using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of ULTRAflow using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of Π-calculus using the original workflow control-flow patterns
Evaluation of @enterprise using the original workflow control-flow patterns (M.Dobrovnik and H. Groiss, @enterprise Developers Conference (Entwicklertagung) Abbazia di Rosazzo, Friaul, 21-23 September 2000)
See also evaluations posted in the Vendor's Corner