Citations to the "Workflow Data Patterns" Paper
by N. Russell, A.H.M. ter Hofstede, D. Edmond & W.M.P. van der Aalst
Academic Publications
- McPhillips, T., Bowers, S., Zinn, D., et al. (2009). Scientific workflow design for mere mortals. Future Generation Computer Systems - The International Journal of Grid Computing - Theory Methods and Applications, 25(5): 541-551.
- Cardoso, J. (2007). Complexity Analysis of BPEL Web Processes. Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 12(1): 35-49.
- Chebbi, I., Dustdar, S., Tata, S. (2006). The View-Based Approach to Dynamic Inter-Organizational Workflow Cooperation. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 56(2): 139-173.
- Chen, A., Buchs, D. (2006). Towards Service-Based Business Process Modeling, Prototyping and Integration. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques (RISE 2005), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 8-9. Revised Selected Papers. LNCS Vol 3943, Pages: 218-233
- Gallina, B., Guelfi, N., Mammar, A. (2006). Structuring Business Nested Processes Using UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams and Translating into XPDL. Proceedings of the 3rd GI-Workshop XML4BPM - XML Integration and Transformation for Business Process Management. Passau, Germany, February 20-22. Pages: 281 - 296.
- Haller, A., Oren, E. (2006). m3pl: A Work-FLOWS Ontology for Modeling Choreography Interfaces. Proceedings of Semantics for Business Process Management Workshop of the ESWC, Budva, Montenegro, June 11.
- Haller, A., Oren, E., Kotinurmi, P. (2006). An Ontology for Internal and External Business Processes. Proceedings of the 15th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2006), Edinburgh, Scotland. May 23 -26. Pages: 1055 - 1056.
- Jansen-Vullers, M.H., Netjes, M., Reijers, H.A., et al. (2006). A Redesign Framework for Call Centers. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2006), Vienna, Austria, September 5-7. LNCS Vol. 4102. Pages: 306-321.
- List, B., Horherr, B. (2006). An Evaluation of Conceptual Business Process Modelling Languages. Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2006), Dijon, France, April 23 - 27. Pages: 1532 - 1539.
- Mendling, J., Lassen, K., Zdun, U. (2006). Transformation strategies between block-oriented and graph-oriented process modelling languages. Proceedings of Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2006 (MKWI 2006), Band 2, XML4BPM Track, Passau, Germany, 22 February. Pages: 297-312.
- Tang, D., Qian, H., Li, Y. (2006). Research on Access Mechanism of WIRD Based on Object Petri Nets. The Sixth World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2006), Dalian, China, June 21-23. Volume 2. Pages: 6850-6854.
- Vasko, M., Dustdar, S. (2006). A View Based Analysis of Workflow Modelling Languages. Proceedings of the 14th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2006), February 15-17. Page: 293 - 300.
- Caeiro-Rodriguez, M., Anido-Rifon, L., Llamas-Nistal, M. (2005). A Perspective and Pattern-Based Evaluation Framework of EMLs' Expressiveness for Collaborative Learning: Application to IMS LD. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 05), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 5-8. Pages: 51-53.
- Caeiro-Rodriguez, M., Llamas-Nistal, M., Anido-Rifon, L. (2005). Modeling Group-Based Education: A Proposal for a Meta-Model. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2005), Klagenfurt, Austria, October 24-28. Pages: 96-111.
- Caeiro-Rodriguez, M., Llamas-Nistal, M., Anido-Rifon, L. (2005). Meta-Modeling for Computer-Supported Group-Based Learning Design. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 05), Wroclaw, Poland, September 8-10. Pages: 84-89.
- Caeiro-Rodriguez, M., Llamas-Nistal, M., Anido-Rifon, L. (2005). Towards a Benchmark for the Evaluation of LD Expressiveness and Suitability. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2005/04.
- Caeiro-Rodriguez, M., Llamas-Nistal, M., Anido-Rifon, L. (2005). From Contents to Activities: Modelling Units of Learning. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 11(9): 1458-1469.
- Chen, A., Buchs, D. (2005). Towards Service-Based Business Process Modeling, Prototyping and Integration. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques (RISE 2005), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 8-9, Revised Selected Paper. Pages: 218-233.
- Eder, J., Lehmann, M. (2005). Synchronizing Copies of External Data in Workflow Management Systems. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2005), Porto, Portugal, June 13-17. Pages: 248 - 261.
- Guabtni, A., Charoy, F., Godart, C. (2005). Customizable Isolation in Transactional Workflow. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications (INTEROP-ESA 2005), Geneva, Switzerland, February 23-25. Pages: 197 - 202.
- Guabtni, A., Charoy, F., Godart, C. (2005). Spheres of Isolation: Adaptation of Isolation Levels to Transactional Workflow. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2005), Nancy, France, September 5-8. Pages: 458-463.
- Thom, L., Iochpe, C., Mitschang, B. (2005). Improving Workflow Project Quality Via Business Process Patterns Based on Organizational Structure Aspects. Proceedings of the 2nd GI Workshop XML4BPM - XML Interchange Formats for Business Process Management, Karlsruhe, Germany, March 1. Pages: 65-80.
- Novatnack, J., Koehler, J. (2004). Using Patterns in the Design of Inter-Organizational Systems - An Experience Report. Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: OTM 2004 Workshops: OTM Confederated International Workshops and Posters, GADA, JTRES, MIOS, WORM, WOSE, PhDS, and INTEROP 2004, Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 25-29. Pages: 444 - 455.
- Petkov, S. (2005). m3pe light: A Multi-Meta-Model Process Execution Environment. Masters Thesis, Vienna University of Technology. Vienna, Austria.
Technical Reports
- Haller, A., Oren, E. (2006). A Process Ontology to Represent Semantics of Different Process and Choreography Meta-Models. Technical Report DERI 2006-02-03, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI). Galway, Ireland.
- Oren, E., Haller, A. (2005). Formal Frameworks for Workflow Modelling. DERI Technical Report 2005-04-07, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI). Galway, Ireland.
- Petkov, S., Oren, E., Haller, A. (2005). Aspects in Workflow Management. DERI Technical Report 2005-04-10, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI). Galway, Ireland.
- Caeiro-Rodriguez, M., Anido-Rifon, L., Llamas-Nistal, M. (2005). Contributions to Educational Modelling Languages. Proceedings of the 12th Doctoral Consortium at CAiSE 05, Porto, Portugal, June 13-14.
- Stefansen, C. (2005). A Declarative Framework for Enterprise Information Systems. Qualification Report.