Citations to the "Advanced Workflow Patterns" Paper
by W.M.P. van der Aalst, A.P. Barros, A.H.M. ter Hofstede & B. Kiepuszewski
Academic Publications
- Zacharewicz, G., El-Amine Hamri, M., Fryman, C., et al. (2010). A Generalized Discrete Event System (G-DEVS) Flattened Simulation Structure: Application to High-Level Architecture (HLA) Compliant Simulation of Workflow. Simulation - Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 86(3): 181-197.
- Wang, CH., Wang, FJ. (2009). Detecting artifact anomalies in business process specifications with a formal model. Journal of Systems and Software, 82(10): 1600-1619.
- Lemos, M., Casanova, MA., Furtado, AL. (2008). Process pipeline scheduling. Journal of Systems and Software, 81(3): 307-327.
- Cardoso, J. (2007). Complexity Analysis of BPEL Web Processes. Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 12(1): 35-49.
- Cartmell, J., Krstajic, D., Leahy, DE. (2007). Competitive workflow: Novel software architecture for automating drug design. Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development, 10(3): 347-352.
- Castelnuovo, A., Ferrarini, L., Piroddi, L. (2007). An Incremental Petri Net-Based Approach to the Modeling of Production Sequences in Manufacturing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 4(3): 424-434.
- Charfi, A., Mezini, M. (2007). AO4BPEL: An Aspect-Oriented Extension to BPEL. World Wide Web - Internet and Web Information Systems. 10(3): 309-344.
- Greco, G., Guzzo, A., Manco, G., Sacca, S. (2007). Mining Unconnected Patterns in Workflows. Information Systems. 32(5): 685-712.
- Hsu, CL., Wang, FJ. (2007). Analysing inaccurate artifact usages in workflow specifications. IET Software, 1(5): 188-205.
- Norta, A., Grefen, P. (2007). Discovering patterns for inter-organizational business process collaboration. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 16(3-4): 507-544.
- Sun, W., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., et al. (2007). Abstract logic tree based framework for component based solution composition design and execution. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 17(2): 249-263.
- Gallina, B., Guelfi, N., Mammar, A. (2006). Structuring Business Nested Processes Using UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams and Translating into XPDL. Proceedings of the 3rd GI-Workshop XML4BPM - XML Integration and Transformation for Business Process Management. Passau, Germany, February 20-22. Pages: 281 - 296.
- Hernandez, F., Bangalore, P., Gray, J., Guan, Z., Reilly, K. (2006). GAUGE: Grid Automation and Generative Environment. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 18(10): 1293-1316.
- Lin, Y., et al. (2006). Semantic Annotation Framework to Manage Semantic Heterogeneity of Process Models. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2006), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, June 5-9. LNCS Vol. 4001. Pages: 433-446.
- Tretola, G., Zimeo, E. (2006). Workflow Fine-Grained Concurrency with Automatic Continuation. 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2006), Rhodes Island, Greece, April 25-29.
- Zhang, W., Liu, D., Li, G., Zhang, W. (2006). Special Task Scheduling and Control of Cluster Parallel Computing for High-Performance Ground Processing System. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2006), Reading, UK, May 28-31. Pages: 17-23.
- Zhang, L. (2006). Research on Workflow Patterns based on Petri Nets. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM 2006), Bangkok, Thailand, June 7-9. Pages: 1-6. IEEE Computer Society
- Altintas, I., et al. (2005). A Framework for Design and Reuse of Grid Workflows. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Scientific Applications on Grid Computing (SAG 2004), Beijing, China, September 20-24. Revised Selected and Invited Papers. Pages: 120 - 133.
- Bhiri, S., Godart, C., Perrin, O. (2005). Reliable Web Services Composition using a Transactional Approach. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (EEE 2005), Hong Kong, China, March 29 - April 1. Pages: 15-21.
- Bhiri, S., Perrin, O., Godart, C. (2005). Ensuring Required Failure Atomicity of Composite Web Services. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2005), Chiba, Japan. May 10-14. Pages: 138-147.
- Cartmell, J., Enoch, S., Krstajic, D., Leahy, D. (2005). Automated QSPR Through Competitive Workflow. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. 19(11): 821-833.
- Eder, J., Gruber, W., Pichler, H. (2005). Transforming Workflow Graphs. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications (INTEROP-ESA 2005), Geneva, Switzerland, February 23-25.
- Golani, M., Gal, A. (2005). Flexible Business Process Management Using Forward Stepping and Alternative Paths. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2005), Nancy, France, September 5-8. Pages: 48 - 63.
- Greco, G., Guzzo, A., Manco, G., Sacca, D. (2005). Mining and Reasoning on Workflows. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 17(4): 519-534.
- Kuhne, S., Thranert, M., Bottcher, M. (2005). A Tool Approach for Supporting Software Service Co-Design. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Business Informatics Research, Pages: 67-80.
- Li, H., Zhun, D. (2005). Study of the Reusable Workflow System. The Journal of American Science, 1(2): 51-60.
- Marco, G., Mazzocca, N., Francesco, M, Vittorini, V. (2005). Multisolution of Complex Performability Models in the OsMoSys/DrawNET Framework. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems. Torino, Italy, September 19-22. Pages: 85-94.
- Pankratius, V. (2005). A Formal Foundation for Workflow Composition, Workflow View Definition and Workflow Normalization Based on Petri Nets. Proceeddings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Pages: 79-88.
- Sadiq, S., Orlowska, M., Sadiq, W. (2005). Specification and Validation of Process Constraints for Flexible Workflows. Information Systems. 30(5): 349-378.
- Son, J., Kim, J., Kim, M. (2005). Extracting the Workflow Critical Path from the Extended Well-Formed Workflow Schema. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 70(1): 86-106.
- Specht, T., Drawehn, J., Thranert, M., Kulne, S. (2005). Modeling Cooperative Business Processes and Transformation to a Service Oriented Architecture. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 2005). Munich, Germany. July 19 - 22. Pages: 249-256.
- Thom, L., Iochpe, C., Mitschang, B. (2005). Improving Workflow Project Quality Via Business Process Patterns Based on Organizational Structure Aspects. Proceedings of the 2nd GI Workshop XML4BPM - XML Interchange Formats for Business Process Management, Karlsruhe, Germany, March 1. Pages: 65-80.
- Wu, S., Lin, K. (2005). Cross Enterprise Business Modelling with AC Diagrams and Workflow Patterns. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 2005). Munich, Germany. July 19 - 22. Pages: 110-117.
- Yu, J., Buyya, R. (2005). A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing. Journal of Grid Computing. 3(3-4): 171-200.
- Zdun, U. (2005). Patterns of Service-Oriented Architectures. Tutorial at the 19th European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2005), July.
- Zhou, G.F., He, Y.X., Yu, P. (2005). Modelling Workflow Patterns Based on P/T Nets. International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control. 1(4): 673-684.
- Amin, K., von Laszewski, G., Hategan, M., Zaluzec, N., Hampton, S., Rossi, A. (2004). GridAnt: A Client-Controllable Grid Workflow System. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2004), Big Island, Hawaii, January 5-8. Page: 210.
- Bae, H., Hu, W., Yoo, S., Kwak, B., Kim, Y., Park, Y. (2004). Document Configuration Control Processes Captured in a Workflow. Computers in Industry. 53(2): 117-131.
- Brown, E., Schrefl, M., Warren, J. (2004). Goal-Focused Self-Modifying Workflow in the Healthcare Domain. Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2004), Big Island, Hawaii, January 5-8. Page: 145.
- Deng, S., Yu, Z., Wu, Z., Huang, L. (2004). Enhancement of Workflow Flexibility by Composing Activities at Run-Time. Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Nicosia, Cyprus, March 14-17. Pages: 667-679.
- Guabtni, A., Charoy, F. (2004). Multiple Instantiation in a Dynamic Workflow Environment. Proceedigns of the 16th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2004), Riga, Latvia, June 7-11. Pages: 175-188.
- Hu, H., Han, Y., Huang, K., Li, G., Zhao, Z. (2004). A Pattern-Based Approach to Facilitating Service Composition. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Grid and Knowledge Grid (IGKG 2004), China, October 21-24. Pages: 90-98.
- Hong, D., Hong, C. (2004). A Flow-Through Workflow Control Scheme for BGP/MPLS VPN Service Provision. Proceedings of teh 3rd European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN 2004), Porto, Portugal, October 25-27.
- Jaeger, M., Rojec-Goldmann, G., Muhl, G. (2004). QoS Aggregation for Web Service Composition Using Workflow Patterns. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2004), Monterey, USA, September 20-24. Pages: 149-159.
- Neiger, D., Churilov, L. (2004). Goal-Oriented Business Process Modelling with EPCs and Value-Focused Thinking. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2004), Potsdam, Germany, June 17-18. Pages: 98-115.
- Norta, A. (2004). Web Supported Enactment of Petri-Net Based Workflows with XRL/flower. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN 2004), Bologna, Italy, June 21-25. Pages: 494-503.
- ShuiGuang, D., Zhen, Y., ZhaoHui, W., LiCan, H. (2004). A Workflow Model Supporting Flexible Process Using Activities Combination at Run Time. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. May 26-28. Pages: 409-417.
- Zhu, H., Li, P., Zhang, G. (2004). HTSN: A Complex Workflow Model Based on Coloured Petri Net. Journal of Computer Science & Technology, 4(1).
- Zirpins, C., Piccinelli, G. (2004). Evolution of Service Processes by Rule Based Transformation. Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference on Digital Communities in a Networked Society: eCommerce, eBusiness, and eGovernment. Pages: 287-305.
- Curbera, F., Khalaf, R., Leymann, F., Weerawarana, S. (2003). Exception Handling in the BPEL4WS Language. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2003), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 26-27. Pages: 276-290.
- Eshuis, R., Dehnert, J. (2003). Reactive Petri Nets for Workflow Modelling. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN 2003), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 23-27. Pages: 296-315.
- Eshuis, R., Wieringa, R. (2003). Comparing Petri Net and Activity Diagram Variants for Workflow Modelling - a Quest for Reactive Petri Nets. Petri Net Technology for Communication-Based Systems: Advances in Petri Nets. Pages: 321-351.
- Dehnert, J. (2003). Four Steps Towards Sound Business Process Models. Petri Net Technology for Communication-Based Systems: Advanced in Petri Nets. Pages: 66-82.
- Heckel, R. (2003). Open Petri Nets as Semantic Model for Workflow Integration. Petri Net Technology for Communication-Based Systems: Advances in Petri Nets. Pages: 281-294.
- Hirnschall, A., Artishchev, S. (2003). Enabling e-Business Transaction Support in a Petri-Net Based Workflow Description Language. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets of the GI Special Interest Group on Petri Nets and Related System Models, September 26-27.
- Hull, R., Benedikt, M., Vassilis, C., Su, J. (2003). E-services: A Look Behind the Curtain. Proceedings of teh 22nd ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of Database Systems, San Diego, USA, June 9-12. Pages: 1-14.
- Kontogiannis, T. (2003). A Petri Net-based Approach for Ergonomic Task Analysis and Modeling with Emphasis on Adaptation to System Changes. Safety Science. 41(10): 803-835.
- Mangan, P., Sadiq, S. (2003). A Constraint Specification Approach to Building Flexible Workflows. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, 35(1).
- Breton, E., Bezivin, J. (2002). Weaving Definition and Execution Aspects of Process Meta-Models. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2002), Big Island , Hawaii, January 7-10. Pages: 3776-3785.
- Butler, M., Ferreira, C., Henderson, P., Chessell, M., Griffin, C., Vines, D. (2002). Extending the Concept of Transaction Compensation. IBM Systems Journal, 41(4): 743-758.
- Chang, D., Son, J., Kim, M. (2002). Critical Path Identification in the Context of a Workflow. Information & Software Technology, 44(7): 405-417.
- Dehnert, J. (2002). Non-Controllable Choice Robustness: Expressing the Controllability of Workflow Processes. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets (ICAPTN), Adelaide, Australia, July. Pages: 121-141.
- Eder, J., Gruber, W. (2002). A Meta Model for Structured Workflows Supporting Workflow Transformations. Proceedings of the 6th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2002), Bratislava, Slovakia, September 8-11. Pages: 326 - 339.
- Eshuis, R., Wieringa, R. (2002). Verification Support for Workflow Design with UML Activity Graphs. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Orlando, Florida, May. Pages: 166-176.
- Furicht, R., Prahofer, H., Hofinger, T., Altmann, J. (2002). A Component-Based Application Framework for Manufacturing Execution Systems in C# and .NET. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Tools Pacific: Objects for Internet, Mobile and Embedded Applications, Sydney, Australia, Pages: 169-179.
- Jiantao, Z., Meilin, S., Xinming, Y. (2002). On Pattern-Based Modelling for Multiple Instances of Activities in Workflows. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Frid and Cooperative Computing, Beijing, China. Pages: 723-736.
- Kristensen, L., Mitchell, B., Zhang, L., Billington, J. (2002). Modelling and Initial Analysis of Operational Planning Processes using Coloured Petri Nets. Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering and Defence Systems, Adelaide, Australia. Pages: 105-114.
- Ling, S., Loke, S. (2002). Advanced Petri Nets for Modelling Model Agent Enabled Interorganizational Workflows. Proceedings of the 9th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, Lund, Sweden, April 8-11. Pages: 245-252.
- Mangan, P., Sadiq, S. (2002). On Building Workflow Models for Flexible Processes. Proceedings of the 13th Australasian Conference on Database Technologies, Melbourne, Australia. Pages: 103-109.
- Brglez, F., Lavana, H. (2001). A Universal Client for Taskflow-Oriented Programming with Distributed Components: Concepts. Proceedings of the 8th Tcl/Tk Conference at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, July 23-27.
- Eshuis, R., Wieringa, R. (2001). A Comparison of Petri Net and Activity Diagram Variants. Proceedings of the 2nd International Collaboration on Petri Net Technologies for Modelling Communication Based Systems, Pages: 93-104.
- Eshuis, R., Wieringa, R. (2001). An Execution Algorithm for UML Activity Graphs. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language: Modeling Languages, Concepts, and Tools (UML 2001), Toronto, Canada, October 1-5. Pages: 47.
- Eshuis, R., Wieringa, R. (2001). A Real-Time Execution Semantics for UML Activity Diagrams. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2001), Genova, Italy, April 2-6. Pages: 76.
- Fent, A., Freitag, B. (2001). ULTRAflow - A Lightweight Workflow Management. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP 2001), Kiel, Germany, September 13-15. Pages: 375-378.
- Sadiq, S., Sadiq, W., Orlowska, M. (2001). Pockets of Flexibility in Workflow Specification. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2001), Yokohama, Japan, November 27-30. Pages: 513 - 526.
- Salimifard, K., Wright, M. (2001). Petri Net Based Modelling of Workflow Systems: An Overview. European Journal of Operational Research, 134(3): 664-676.
- Johnstone, M., McDermid, D., Venable, J. (2000). A Business Rules Oriented Requirements Elicitation Method for the Development of Electronic Commerce Applications. Proceedings of the 3rd Western Australian Workshop on Information Systems Research (WAWISR 2000), November 27.
- Jensen, M. (2006). X-Flow - A Secure Workflow System. Masters Thesis. Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Lyngby, Denmark.
- Bhagwanani, S. (2005). An Evaluation of End-User Interfaces of Scientific Workflow Management Systems. Masters Thesis. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
- Petkov, S. (2005). m3pe light: A Multi-Meta-Model Process Execution Environment. Masters Thesis, Vienna University of Technology. Vienna, Austria.
- Colonnese, D. (2004). Grid Service Data Needed for Estimation of Reliability in Scientific Workflow Systems. Masters Thesis. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
- Deshpande, P. (2003). Distributed Supervisory Control of Workflows. Masters Thesis. University of South Florida.
- Lindstrom, B. (2002). Facilitating the Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets. PhD Thesis. University of Aarhus. Aarhus, Denmark.
Technical Reports
- Petkov, S., Oren, E., Haller, A. (2005). Aspects in Workflow Management. DERI Technical Report 2005-04-10, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI). Galway, Ireland.
- Anzbock, R., Dustdar, S., Gholami, M. (2003). Modelling Ad-Hoc Medical Imaging Workflow with BPEL4WS. Technical Report TUV-1841-2003-19, Vienna University of Technology. Vienna, Austria.
- Eshuis, R., Wieringa, R. (2001). A Formal Semantics for UML Activity Diagrams - Formalising Workflow Models. Technical Report CTIT-01-04, Department of Computer Science, University of Twente.
- Eshuis, R. (2001). Model Checking Activity Diagrams in TCM. Technical Report, University of Twente.
- Bhiri, S. (2004). A Transactional Framework for Reliable Web Services Compositions to Support Inter Enterprises Cooperations. Proceedings of the 11th Doctoral Consortium on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2004), Riga, Latvia, June 7 - 8. Pages: 83-94.
- Anzbock, R., Dustdar, S. (2003). Medical e-Services Workflows with BPEL4WS. Online article available at: Staff/sd/papers/MedicalServicesWorkflowsWithBPEL4WS.pdf
- Indrusiak, L. (2002). A Review on the Framework Technology Supporting Collaborative Design of Integrated Systems. Exame de Qualificacao. Port Alegre: PPGC UFRGS.