IBM helped pioneer information technology over the past 100 years, and it stands today at the forefront of a worldwide industry that is revolutionizing the way in which enterprises, organisations and people operate and thrive. WebSphere MQ Workflow aligns and integrates an organisation's resources and capabilities with their business strategies, accelerating process flow, cutting costs, eliminating errors and improving workgroup productivity.
The report showing how IBM realizes the original control-flow patterns. (Zipped powerpoint, 2MB)
The document describes the support of Workflow Patterns for MQWF, WBI Modeler v5.1, and Process Choreographer (BPEL).
Contact Information
IBM Software Development Laboratory
Werner Fuehrich
Business Process Management Competence Center
SWSD Boeblingen Dept Dept. 7805 Bldg. 7103-02
Tel: +49-(0)7031-16-3077
Email: fuehrich AT