FileNet Evaluation Results

Evaluation results for FileNet P8 BPM Suite version 3.5 against the workflow control-flow patterns




Sequence + Directly supported by means of steps connected with unconditional routes.
Parallel Split + Directly supported by a step where all outgoing routes are unconditional.
Synchronization + Directly supported by a component the incoming routing info of which is set to "collector step".
Exclusive Choice + Directly supported by a step with multiple outgoing routes (take route of the first true condition). Each of the routes must have a condition associated with it, all defined conditions must be exclusive. If several conditions are satisfied, the first specified in the lexical order is selected.

Simple Merge

+ Directly supported by a step (which is not a collector step).
Multi-Choice + Directly supported by a step, which takes routes of all true conditions. Requires structure followed by a collector step.
Structured Synchronizing Merge + Directly supported by a collector step used a join in the structure.
Multi-Merge + Directly supported, workflow waits for all active steps to finish.
Structured Discriminator - Not supported: no means for resetting are available.
Arbitrary Cycles + Directly supported: allows to specify cycles with multiple entry and exit points.
Implicit Termination + Directly supported. Allows for multiple end-points, however workflow terminates after all steps have finished.
Multiple Instances without Synchronization + Supported via invoke in the loop.
Multiple Instances with a Priori Design-Time Knowledge - Not supported.
Multiple Instances with a Priori Run-Time Knowledge - Not supported.
Multiple Instances without a Priori Run-Time Knowledge - Not supported.
Deferred Choice +/- Partially supported. It is possible to withdraw a timer, but not possible to withdraw an activity.
Interleaved Parallel Routing - Not supported.
Milestone - Not supported: although FileNet has a concept of milestone, it refers to the following: To track the progress of a workflow, the workflow author can define key points (milestones) in the workflow. On the workflow map, a milestone can be placed either before or after a General step, or after the Launch step. When the running workflow reaches a milestone, an author-specified message is written to a log file and, depending on its author-specified level (1 to 99), the milestone displays for workflow participants, trackers, and the user who launched the workflow. The Milestones page displays a list of milestones that have been reached for a workflow. You can only access this page from the email message sent to the workflow originator when the milestone is reached.
Cancel Activity + Directly supported via <Terminate Branch> step.
Cancel Case + Directly supported via <Terminate Process> step. Furthermore, if none of the conditions could be satisfied, the workflow terminates.
Structured Loop + Directly supported.
Recursion - Not supported.
Transient Trigger - Not supported.

Persistent Trigger

+ Directly supported via <WaitForCondition> and <Receive> steps.
Cancel Region - Not supported.
Cancel Multiple Instance Activity - No inherent support for multiple instance activities.
Complete Multiple Instance Activity - No inherent support for multiple instance activities.
Blocking Discriminator - Not supported.
Cancelling Discriminator - Not supported.
Structured N-out-of-M Join - Not supported.
Blocking N-out-of-M Join - Not supported.
Cancelling N-out-of-M Join - Not supported.
Generalised AND-Join + Supported by a collector step.
Static Partial Join for Multiple Instances - Not supported.
Cancelling Partial Join for Multiple Instances - Not supported.
Dynamic Partial Join for Multiple Instances - Not supported.
Acyclic Synchronizing Merge - Not supported.
General Synchronizing Merge + Supported by a collector step.
Critical Section - Not supported.
Interleaved Routing - Not supported.
Thread Merge - Not supported.
Thread Split - Not supported.
Explicit Termination - Not supported. Workflow terminates after all steps have finished.